ph360 & HealthyPeople


What is ph360?

ph360 is the world's first personalised health platform based on epigenetics. 

It uses 10,000 data points and 500 ratios to analyse your genetic expression so that it can tell you exactly how to use factors in your everyday life to get and stay healthy. 

The algorithm has been in the making for the past 20 years and uses 15 different sciences to calculate your Personal Health Code. Most importantly, assessments can be done in the gym within 30-35min. 

The ph360 platform, through full personalisation and Health Coach support, has been shown to reverse chronic disease, reduce weight, improve digestion, improve mental function and physical performance. 

ph360 is the most comprehensive tool in health for understanding you and your client's unique biology.

How does ph360 benefit fitness professionals?

Trainers that have used ph360 say that the insight provided has helped clients achieve their training and weight loss goals more easily. Some clubs have gone as far as to provide ph360 programs as a standard offering. 

When I recently asked Trainers in our FITREC Facebook Group if they had any feedback on ph360, I was impressed by the overwhelmingly positive response. 

Clients are certainly able to engage in the ph360 program on their own, but it's the accountability, support and assistance provided by the Trainer that greatly improves their chances of success.

HealthyPeople is offering you a chance to try things for FREE. 

ph360 and HealthyPeople have teamed up to provide professionals with unique access to the ph360 program...

Note: FITREC professionals receive even greater discounts on the Mastery Series as well as five FREE accounts to give or sell to clients (worth $985). Learn more here.

'What is a ph360 endorsed health professional?'

By participating in the ph360 Mastery Series, fitness professionals are able to become a qualified and endorsed ph360 Health Coach. 

As a ph360 Health Coach, you can specialise in an integrated and completely personalised approach to client health. You'll learn about the relationship between biomarkers on the human body and hormonal and genetic development. You'll also receive advanced training in anthropometric assessment and phenotypology. 

This will qualify you to structure and put into action, specific ph360 nutrition, exercise and lifestyle programs, unique to each client's biology. You'll be working alongside clients in a way that meets their unique needs, helping them achieve their desired health outcomes.

'How do I access this deal?'

Follow the link to receive the FREE 4-Part Mini Series

To book the 1/2 Day Live Workshop at $27, click here.

To book the Mastery course, click here.

To learn more about courses, head here.


I encourage you to learn more about ph360 and explore the offer that's available. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to be in touch.


Dennis Hosking - Managing Director, HealthyPeople.

(Prices are AUD unless otherwise specified)